Mikey is exhausted from supervising the workers.

He clearly approves the new sink. I like it too!
ALL of my large pans and baking sheets fit in this sink. Only problem: the InstaHot appliance doesn't turn. Not enough clearance for the faucet handle to go straight back, plumber turned the spigot so that the handle went to the right but the faucet then refused to turn counterclockwise. It has to be returned and another purchased, the plumbing supply house doesn't want to accept it due to COVID. Discussions continue. The lady who writes the checks (that would be me) is refusing to complete payment to the plumber. Discussions continue.
The new spice rack. All spice bottles had to be labeled on the top. Only took an hour. Now I have to alphabetize them. The blue tape on the island granite are spaces that need to be polished to smooth.
Loving the backsplash, waiting on the electrician and painter. Trash compactor needs a piece of wood to cover the upper opening. Handles have now been attached.
Sent this picture to the contractor. Different door styles on the pantry ... not acceptable. Wood guy calls me to explain: Door people (evidently, different from wood people) will not warrant any door from warping if over 49 inches. Upper doors are exactly 49 inches, lower doors are 50 1/4 inches! I said, "I don't care, put three hinges on them but they WILL match and I don't want the support bar in the middle, it's too busy." Doors have been reordered.
Flooring guy is finished. Last of the carpeting has been sent to the dump. We are now carpeting free. I'll need some rugs to soften the space, but I need to live in it for a bit more. I sure do like it!
The hutch is almost finished, missing two doors. Here are the boxes labeled "Future Hutch" with things I haven't seen in over three years! Such a joy to handle my special plates, stemware and sterling again. And the best part ... my neighbor is moving (that's NOT special at all) and needed more boxes, so they didn't go to the dump!
First thing I did was make a batch of Stollen. With a double oven I could proof all of the loaves at once. Oh, happy me!

We're in the home stretch. And my FB memory popped up yesterday with a picture of my California kitchen in its home stretch 10 years ago!
So much has happened in that time span. Here's wishing you all a very happy Holiday season, Please be healthy and stay safe. I sure miss our daughter and sons and grands and families. Let's usher 2020 out and open wide for a better 2021!
That is one tall kitty. XOXo Happy cooking.